Our Promise Each LuckyTrip booking comes with...

Each LuckyTrip booking comes with...

Best Price Guarantee

We guarantee that the packages on LuckyTrip are the cheapest deals going. Fact.

With all our trips having Our Promise, ATOL protection, automatic check-in and lots more...

Found a cheaper package? Let us know!

ATOL Protection

Your trip with us is ATOL protected.

That means you’ll receive a full refund in the unlikely event that something happens to LuckyTrip or one of our partners.

If you’re already on your trip, you’ll be brought safely home at no extra cost.

Automatic Flight Check In

We’ll save you the hassle and complete the check-in process for you, sending your mobile boarding passes 24 hour before your flight. Say hi to contact-free check in!

Feeling old school and prefer to do it yourself? No problem, just drop us a message after booking.

A Tree With Every Trip

We plant a tree with every trip to help offset your carbon.

Keep in mind this won’t offset enough carbon to completely cover your trip. We’re working on that, but hopefully for now this raises awareness and is a step in the right direction.

To donate more trees, please visit our partner Eden Projects.

Discounted Travel Insurance

We’ve partnered with Admiral, to bring you travel insurance and provide you with the vital cover you need when travelling abroad.

The sweet bit…

You get an exclusive discount. We'll send you a code after you've booked.

Personal Travel Advisor

Going on your trip should be easy, and fun.

That’s why every LuckyTrip comes with your own personal travel advisor, to help you with any questions you have, and to make sure everything goes smoothly.

They’ll reach out to you after your booking.

Where will luck take you?