Las Fallas: Fire Festival
Las Fallas was originally a festival for San José, the patron saint of carpenters. Which is slightly ironic because these days it’s all about the burning of giant wooden figures.
The figures, or ‘ninots’, are usually caricatures of celebrities and politicians. As you can imagine, it gets pretty personal.
At 8am each day of the festival, a brass band marches down the streets and firecrackers are set off. Then at 2pm, there are controlled (kinda) pyrotechnic explosions all over the city. In the evenings, there are GIANT fireworks displays, and on the last day the ninots are paraded around town and horribly burned.
Each year one ninot is spared after a public vote - prettyyyyy sure Trump’s going to get away with it this year.
Warning: Las Fallas is not for the faint-hearted (or those with tinnitus). It’s so loud that pregnant women are banned from attending and every year people pass out. They advise you to keep your mouth open to allow the sound to escape, rather than echoing round your brain. Righty.
Las Fallas is from the 1st - 19th March this year.